Naval and Maritime Academy

The training command clinches the inter command basketball championship – 2022

Exhibiting sterling performances in the Inter-Command Basketball Championship 2022, the Training Command accomplished the tournament on a high note, clinching the basketball championship. The Training Command was exclusively represented by the players of the Naval & Maritime Academy. After six days of hard tussle, the Training Command’s men’s and women’s basketball teams were crowned as …

The training command clinches the inter command basketball championship – 2022 Read More »

Training command excells colours at the inter command boxing competition- 2022

The Inter Command Boxing tournament was held from 21st September to 25th September 2022 at the Boxing Ring of Naval & Maritime Academy. The tournament was contested by 03 Officers and 115 Sailors representing their respective commands and exhibited good sportsmanship.   The women boxers of the Training Command made a comprehensive victory over all …

Training command excells colours at the inter command boxing competition- 2022 Read More »

Three Ladies From SLN Distinguished Themselves In The History Of Naval Diving

The certificate awarding ceremony of Basic Diver Module (Lady Officers and Women Sailors) 01/2022 came in to culmination with a high note on 24th September 2022 at Diving School premises. The ceremony was graced by the commandant, Commodore KDDC Fernando, RSP, USP, rcds. The first batch of lady officers and women sailors consisted with two(02) …

Three Ladies From SLN Distinguished Themselves In The History Of Naval Diving Read More »

The Fallout Parade Concludes with a Higher Note of Salute

 1.                 A charming fallout parade was successfully conducted at the main parade ground of Naval & Maritime Academy on 16th September 2022 giving prominence to rich Naval customs and traditions. Two Medical Officers of 32nd Intake KDU who followed Basic Orientation Course 02/2022 and one Engineering branch Officer of 35th Intake KDU marched off with …

The Fallout Parade Concludes with a Higher Note of Salute Read More »

Certificate Awarding Ceremony of 23rd Executive Sub Lieutenant Technical Course

 1.                  The Certificate Awarding Ceremony of 23rd Executive Sub Lieutenant technical course was held at  the Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda Auditorium on 12th September 2022 with the gracious presence of the Commandant Naval and Maritime Academy as the Chief Guest. The course was commenced on 19th July 2021 with 36 Student Officer Under- Trainees (SOUTs) and …

Certificate Awarding Ceremony of 23rd Executive Sub Lieutenant Technical Course Read More »

Four naval personnel from NMA splendid in their physical fitness test of SL Navy

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne felicitated and awarded for 19 Naval Personnel, who excelled in physical fitness tests, during a ceremony which was held at the Admiral Somathilake Dissanayake Auditorium on 07th September 2022. The Chief of Staff of the Navy, Rear Admiral Priyantha Perera, Director Generals, Commander Western Naval Area …

Four naval personnel from NMA splendid in their physical fitness test of SL Navy Read More »

The Commencement of the 05th and 06th STCW Basic Safety Course and Maritime English Support Level (MESL) Course.

Stepping in to another phase, the Merchant Marine Training School has commenced the 05th and 06th STCW Basic Safety Course and Maritime English Support Level (MESL) course. The opening remark was delivered by the Commandant Naval and Maritime Academy, Commodore KDDC Fernando, RSP, USP, rcds on 05 Sep 22.  The course is comprised of twenty …

The Commencement of the 05th and 06th STCW Basic Safety Course and Maritime English Support Level (MESL) Course. Read More »

LLMC and 31st JNSC Complete their Leadership Exercise at NALP

Student Officers of the Long Logistics Management Course and the 31st Junior Naval Staff Course embarked on their Leadership exercise inside  jungle area of  Naval Agricultural and Livestock Project (NALP) on 03 and 04 Sep 22. The leadership exercise included various activities and group-based tasks for which Student Officers were evaluated on their leadership skills …

LLMC and 31st JNSC Complete their Leadership Exercise at NALP Read More »

Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage delivers a lecture on military leadership

Under the guidance and supervision of Commandant Naval & Maritime Academy first Experience Based Lecture (EBL) series was started with a high key note on 27th August 2022. The initial lecture was conducted under the topic of “Military Leadership in Future Challenging Environment” by Admiral (Professor) Jayanath Colombage at Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda Auditorium with the …

Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage delivers a lecture on military leadership Read More »


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.