I consider it as an honour and a privilege to assume duties as the 40th Commandant of the prestigious Naval and Maritime Academy (NMA). The NMA has evolved over the years into becoming the premier naval training establishment that offers professional training to a large number of officers and sailors in the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN).

It is with great honor and privilege that I assume the role of Training Captain at the Naval and Maritime Academy in Trincomalee. As I take on this esteemed position, I am deeply committed to upholding the vision and mission of our prestigious institution.
Naval and Maritime Academy is committed to mould Naval personnel to become professionals on their field to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized Naval force with the commitment to comply with requirement and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the Quality Management System.
Officer Training
Officer training is to prepare subordinate officers morally, physically & mould them into professional Naval Officers to command and to lead in pursuit of excellence in the Naval service and the best interest of the nation.
Sailor Training
Sailor training is to prepare both senior & junior ratings morally, mentally, physically & mould them to be professionals to carry out the specific task or set of specific task in their respective branches in the most efficient manner leading to excellence in the Naval service.
“දනෙතා සෙටඨා මනුසෙසසු”
“විනයගරුක වූවෝ මිනිසුන් අතර ශ්රේෂ්ඨ වෙති”
“Disciplined are the noblest of men”