Naval and Maritime Academy


Previously Civil Engineering sailor advanced courses were conducted in Engineering School. Then separate Civil Engineering School was established at the Naval & Maritime Academy on 03rd January 2017. The Mission of Civil Engineering School is to provide Naval personnel professional Knowledge, basic principles, skills and training relevant to Civil Engineering field as to undertake innovative construction and maintenance in efficient and effective manner leading to perform excellence in the Naval service.

The school conducts three sailor qualifying courses (PH III, L ‘Q’ & PO ‘Q’) and VSS Refresher courses to expand the knowledge and skills of CE sailors so as to enable them to acquire adequate academic, professional & administrative knowledge to carry out assigned duties in the CE branch & to qualify them for next advancement professionally.

The physical resources of the CE School are comprised of two class rooms which can accommodate 25 personnel each at a time and one mini auditorium which can seated 75 at a time. Further the CE School has the facility of a Civil Engineering model room within the premises which helps under trainees to understand the CE production & equipment better. Further, the School has the facilities of a carpentry, painting, aluminum workshops & masonry bay which help to conduct practical sessions along with the theoretical classes


To qualify both Officers and Sailors imparting sufficient theoretical Knowledge and practical training on Civil Engineering profession to perform specified duties and maintain at various levels in accordance with Naval procedures in efficient manner leading to excellence in the Naval service.

Officer In Charge
NRC 2541
Tel : 61300

Second In Charge
NRC 3979
Tel : 61301

Chief Instructor
EC 41776
Tel : 61303                          

To impart theoretical, practical and professional knowledge to enhance skills with competency in order to undertake innovative civil engineering activities with quality performance.

To provide Naval personnel with professional knowledge, basic principles, skills and training relevant to Civil Engineering field as to undertake innovative constructions and maintenance in efficient and effective manner leading to perform excellence in SLN.




  • To consolidate and expand the knowledge and skills already possessed by Leading Engineering Mechanic(CE), so as to enable him to acquire National Vocational Qualification, adequate academic professional and administration knowledge.
  • Qualify Leading Engineering Mechanics (CE) to be considered for advancement to PO (CE).
  • Cater to the rapid expansion and development of the Sri Lanka Navy.
  • To provide career path for apply NVQ (Level 4-Construction Site Supervisor) as to encourage them for career development in National Recognition Level.

  • To provide Technical and Vocational Training for Engineering Mechanic (CE) I to acquire skills and professional knowledge through well formulated skills programs with highest professional standards to meet the skilled manpower requirement in the Civil Engineering branch of SLN.
  • Qualify Engineering Mechanic (CE) I to be considered for advancement of Leading Engineering Mechanic (CE).
  • Cater to the rapid expansion and development of technical /professional fields of the SLN.
  • To provide career path for applying NVQ (Level 4) as to encourage them for career development in national recognition level.


  • To impart basic Theoretical and Practical knowledge on Civil Engineering profession for sailors who have completed Phase I and Phase II of basic training at NRTC’s and establishments in Sri Lanka Navy.
  • Cater to the rapid expansion and development of technical /professional fields of the SLN.
  • To provide career path for applying NVQ (Level 3) as to encourage them for career development in national recognition level.

  • This course is designed to impart basic theoretical and practical knowledge on Civil Engineering tradesmen and craftsmen works as enable him to acquire adequate skills and knowledge to cater skilled manpower requirement in the Civil Engineering Branch of SLN.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.