Naval and Maritime Academy

The Command Hospital of ENA provides the necessary medical care for all the trainees. The Command Hospital is equipped with adequate human and physical resources to cater the requirements. The Command Hospital provides services in following sections,

  • Open Patient Department
  • Dental Department
  • Surgical and Isolated Wards

The Naval Hospital (EC) was established in 1940 in the Eastern Command Dockyard and it is the second largest Command Hospital among the other Command Hospitals. Medical Staff includes Medical Officers, Administrative Officers, Counsellors, Nurses, Physiotherapies, Pharmacists, Public Health Inspectors, Electro Cardiographers, Medical Lab Technicians, Radiographers, Operation Room Technicians, Public Health Midwives, Sport Therapists, Dispensers, Audio Metricians, Eye Technicians, Diving Medical Assistants and Dental Medical Assistants.

The Naval Hospital is facilitated with an Operation Theatre, Emergency Treatment Unit, and Intensive Care Unit. Modern medical technologies are given to the Naval personnel. Total hospital beds are approximately 186 in number. Furthermore, medical consultations are obtained from the General Hospital Trincomalee as required.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.