Naval and Maritime Academy

First Ever Gunnery Rate I Qualifying Course Terminates at NMA

  1. The Gunnery Rate I Qualifying Course No. 1 was commenced at the Gunnery School of the Naval and Maritime Academy on 29th May 2023 with Nine (09) Sailor Under Trainees, comprising three senior sailors and six junior sailors for the first time in the naval history

  2. The course participants were undergone 15 weeks of training and course was terminated on 09th September 2023. They were got an opportunity to study the 100 mm and 37 mm guns in depth onboard SLNS Parakramabahu and SLNS Vijayabahu considering the main guns that are presently used in the Sri Lanka Navy. All course participants have successfully completed the course and they have improved the pertinent knowledge to perform assigned gunnery duties in more professional manner.

  3. The Officer In Charge of Gunnery School Commander (G) Dhanuka Rathnayake , all the other officers, sailor instructors of the Gunnery school and chief instructors also participated in this historical event.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.