Naval and Maritime Academy

Visual Signal (VS) Competition – 2023

The Communication School of NMA organized a Visual Signaler (VS) 2023 competition with the intention of sharpening the practical knowledge and skills on visual signalling procedures of all Sailor Under Trainees (SUTs) of Leading Qualifying Course 1/2023 and Communicator Qualifying Course 1/2023.

The event was held on 09 Sep at the Flag Deck area of the Communication School. On successful completion of the preliminary rounds, six SUTs were selected for the final competition, and at the final competition, they competed under the segments of identification of flags and pennants, transmitting and receiving semaphore messages, flashing, and flag hoisting. At the end of all segments of the competition, COM I WASP Weerasooriya of Leading Qualifying Course 1/2023 was awarded as the MASTER OF VISUAL SIGNALER 2023.

The Training Captain, Captain (N) HAC Priyantha, graced the occasion as the chief guest and congratulated the participants of the competition. Further, he highlighted the importance of continuous practices in visual signalling procedures of this calibre to enhance the knowledge of young communicators in the Sri Lanka Navy and commended the efforts taken by the Communication School to make this event a success.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.