Naval and Maritime Academy

Newly Constructed Air Rifle Club

Air Rifle Club for Naval personnel and their family members was initially established at Naval Marksmanship & Sniper Training School on 16th December 2015 as per the concept of former Commandant of Naval & Maritime Academy, Commodore YN Jayarathne, RWP & Bar, RSP, USP, ndu, psc. However, in order to extend this facility to all other visitors, the Air Rifle Club was shifted and reconstructed at a new place near to the Naval Museum. The Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral UVMP Perera, RSP & Bar, USP, ndu, psc declared open the new facility on 30th April 2023.

Ticket fees and opening hours of the reconstructed Air Rifle Club is as flows;

                            Ticket fees

  1. Stage I (Green)             –  Rs 350 
  2. Stage II (Pink)              –  Rs 450
  3. Full    (Orange)             –  Rs 700 

                        Opening hours

  1. Week days                                – from 1500 hrs to 1730 hrs
  2. Weekends & Public holidays – from 0900 hrs to 1730 hrs




Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.