Naval and Maritime Academy

Woman drill instructors stand tall in the history of NMA

              The Naval & Maritime Academy endowed twenty new Drill Instructors to the Sri Lanka Navy instilling pride, professionalism, and proven dedication. The 35th Drill Instructor Qualifying Course consisted of twenty Sailor Under Trainees including six women Sailor Under Trainees passed out at the Naval & Maritime Academy today having conquered the yardsticks of the six-month-long full-time course under strenuous training. It is in the first time in naval history, six-woman sailors were directly enlisted and successfully completed the Drill Instructor Qualifying Course. Well-deserved triumph was celebrated ceremonially with the gracious presence of the Commandant Naval & Maritime Academy Commodore Damian Fernando as the Chief Guest.

                The role of the Drill Instructor is vital to any military organization as they transform and mould the civilian into a great warrior who could fight against the enemy with vogour and bravery. This transformation is decisive as it immensely supports to maintain the cultural values and ceremonials which have been practicing for centuries. The Sri Lanka Navy has its own sub culture and significant ceremonials that have been initiated by the Royal Navy. The Drill Instructor in the Navy is vested upon a prime duty to bestow well-disciplined officers and the sailors to the Navy who possess noticeable qualities such as loyalty, self-confidence, self-esteem, enthusiasm, reliability etc.  

                The recognition as Drill Instructors was accorded by adorning the pace sticks along with the Drill Instructors’ chain to them by the Chief Guest at the NMA parade ground. Subsequently, Woman Ordinary Seaman (DI) DGPB Kulasooriya, WV 78637 was acknowledged as the one who performed outstandingly during the DI qualifying course and was awarded the best DI recognition. Securing the title of the Best DI by a woman sailor first time in the history marks a unique profile and it is inscribed in gold in the annals of the NMA and SL Navy as well. Following the proceedings, the Commandant Naval and Maritime Academy delivered the customary speech to the new Drill Instructors underlining the importance of discipline and responsibilities whilst insisting on imparting knowledge and skills they have hard-earned to the future navy.

                Symbolizing the day, the newly passed out Drill Instructors showcased their talents with a well-synchronized drill display which attracted the viewers who gathered to witness the occasion of their achievements.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.