The opening address of Drill Instructor Qualifying Course 02/2023 was held in high note at NMA Gunnery School on 25th September 2023. The aim of this course is to impart theoretical & practical knowledge for trainees and qualify them to be professional Drill Instructors with a sense of duties and responsibilities. The course is comprised of 09 course participants including 01 senior sailor.
The Second In Charge of Gunnery School Lieutenant Commander (G) Shashindra Wathsala officially inaugurated the ceremony and the Chief Drill Instructor of the Gunnery School, MCPO (GI) RMDS Nandana welcomed all the course participants.
The course participants will have to undergo 26 weeks of the training programme and during the course, they will attach to ND Maho for an explosive module. The course will be terminated on 20th March 2024. Â