Naval and Maritime Academy

Certificate Awarding Ceremony of 24th Sub Lieutenant Technical Course (Executive)

The Certificate Awarding Ceremony of 24th Sub Lieutenant technical course was held at Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda Auditorium on 20th April 2023.  The Commandant Naval and Maritime Academy, Commodore Buddhika Liyanagamage graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The course was commenced on 25th April 2022 for twenty five (25) Student Officer Under Trainees (SOUTs) of the Executive Branch, all participants have successfully completed the course.  The duration of the course was 52 weeks, majority of the subjects were conducted by instructors of the Naval & Maritime Academy. In addition, some modules were conducted by visiting lecturers, outside training institutions and other naval establishments.

Lt CLWS Fonseka, NRX 3771 was awarded Book Prize for the best public speaker and Lt SKD Wijesinghe, NRX 3893 was awarded Book Prize for the best essay.

Addressing the august gathering, the Commandant congratulated the SOUTs for achieving their career milestone. Further, he highlighted the importance of continuous training amides many hardships in the country for grooming professional future leaders of the navy to safeguard the nation.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.