Naval and Maritime Academy


The Signal school of Sri Lanka Navy was established in 1958 at Naval and Maritime Academy (NMA) within the Naval Dockyard premises. Subsequently, school was shifted to various places within same perimeter with full-fledged facilities and renamed as communication school in 2018, at NMA new building complex.

The school is dedicated to impart knowledge on Naval Communication for both the Officer under trainees and Sailor under trainees from various fields as SLN demand. Presently, school is making its headway forward to the modern Naval Communication field and rapidly developing its training facilities to suit with Modern Communication intelligence in the world. In 2019, school was successfully conducted the first ever Long Communication Specialization course (LCSC) for SLN middle level officers keeping a historical remark in SLN history.


To impart sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical training for both officers and sailors on professional knowledge in communication

Officer In Charge
NRX 2355
Tel – 61345

Second In Charge
NRX 3031

Instructor Officer
NRX 3249

Chief Instructor
XC 42880

To impart sufficient theoretical knowledge and offer practical training for both officers and sailors to enhance their horizon of naval communication.

To ensure smooth and efficient conduct of basic, mid-career and specialized communication professional courses for officers and sailors in order to produce competent and motivated human resource capable of fulfilling dynamic needs of a modern naval force.





  • This course is designed to mould qualified and professional communicators to Sri Lanka Navy. Sailors who have been enlisted to communication branch are eligible to follow the course on completion of their basic training. Trainees will be learning practical and theoretical aspects of the communication subject to get a better knowledge to work in dynamic nature.
  • Courses are conducted bi-annually in communication school for 30 selected trainees and course duration is 24 weeks. At end of the each module trainees are evaluated by theoretical and practical exams to measure the knowledge which they have gained. Sailors who are successfully complete the course may consider as communicators and further utilize for duty related communication field in the Sri Lanka Navy.

  • This course is designed for communicators who have already qualified in Phase III Communicator Qualifying Course and having one year seniority in the present rate. This course is mainly for their next advancement and trainees will be learning theoretical and practical aspect of the communication subject. This course enhances the trainees’ knowledge and uplifts their competent level to work as Leading Rate Communicators in Sri Lanka Navy.

  • Courses are conducted annually in communication school for 30 selected trainees and course duration is 26 weeks. At end of the each module trainees are evaluated by theoretical and practical exams to measure the knowledge which they have gained. Sailors who are successfully completed the course may consider for the next advancement as Leading Communicator and further utilize for duties with more responsibilities related to field of communication in Sri Lanka Navy.

  • Leading Rate Communicators who are having one year seniority in their present rate will be eligible for this course. Course is designed to uplift required skills of Leading Rate Communicators to work as Petty Officers in the branch who are known as communication supervisors in communication field. Trainees are imparted with advanced knowledge in theoretical and practical aspects of the communication field.
  • Courses are conducted annually in communication school for 30 selected trainees and course duration is 24 weeks. At end of the each module trainees are evaluated by theoretical and practical exams to measure the knowledge which have they gained. Sailors who successfully complete the course may consider for the next advancement as Petty Officer and further utilize for duties with more responsibilities as supervisors in field of communication.

  • Specially designed course which imparts sound knowledge on Electronic Warfare (EW) aspects to mould professionally qualified EW specialized sailors in Sri Lanka Navy.Communicators and Intelligence branch sailors who are presently engaging with EW related duties in SLN and lower the rate of Petty Officer are eligible to follow this course. 10 sailors each from Communication branch and Intelligence branch will be selected by NHQ to follow this course at Communication School.
  • Course is conducted bi-annually with 20 participants for 10 working days. At the end of the course trainees are evaluated with an exam including theoretical and practical knowledge related to EW aspects. At the end of the course, certificate is awarded for trainees who complete the course successfully. Further, specialized sailors utilize for duties related to EW aspects in Sri Lanka Navy.

  • The aim of the LCSC is to enhance professional knowledge and practical application of Communication of selected Student Officers with a view to develop their confidence related to the practical application of the subject and perform duties as Specialized Communication Officer of any class of Ship or at any shore appointment related to Communication.
  • The Long Communication Specialization Course (LCSC) is one of the premier professional specialization courses intended for Officers of the Executive Branch. This course comprise of 3 trimesters with first two trimesters are full time in-house academics which is conducted at the Naval & Maritime Academy, whilst third trimester is an Extended Essay to be completed within 15 weeks from leaving the NMA after Trimester II. The Long Communication Specialization Course is accredited to the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) to confer the Post Graduate Diploma in Naval Communication keeping in line with the University evaluation criteria.


Naval & Maritime Academy is committed to mould naval personnel to become professionals in their fields to perform duties to the entire satisfaction of the desired standards of a recognized naval force, with the commitment to comply with requirements and continual improvement of the effectiveness of process of the quality management system.